Friday, April 24, 2020

Inspiration: White Dwarf Images from the 90's.

I grabbed a few decent pictures from some PDF scans of old White Dwarf magazines during the 90's.  I will upload more as I stumble upon them.

 Orks in Mega Armour combat Karandras and his Striking Scorpion Aspect Warriors
 Catachans and a Leman Russ Battle Tank encounter Ghazhkull Thraka and his Ork horde.
 Ultramarines allied with Imperial Guard for a battle report.
 A Thraka-led large Ork force for a White Dwarf battle report.
 Ultramarines defend a bunker from vicious Tyranids.
 An Ultramarine Dreadnought faces off with its Ork counterpart.
 Ultramarine Terminators engage Tyranids and a vicious Screamer Killer.
 Ultramarine Terminators and Imperial Guard forces run into the Orks.
Ultramarine Assault Marines defend a landing pad against the Ork menace.

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