A few more high-resolution scans from the wonderful 'Eavy Metal pages of the 2nd ed. rulebook.
It was images like this which stirred my 11-12 year old brain into the setting. The battle scenes in particular (note: the terrain collection for GW was pretty small and you'd see the same terrain in all of their promo photos and battle reports!)
Monday, August 7, 2017
Friday, August 4, 2017
Inspiration: RT/2nd Ed. Art
These were posted up by someone on the wonderful Oldhammer Facebook group so I decided to add them here so more people can enjoy them. Some nice high resolution pictures of RT/2nd ed. art.
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Inspiration: Yderis Eldar vs. the Tyranids!
It's been a while since I've posted to the blog. Don't fret, we're still slow-rolling our work on revising 2nd edition for a bit more playability. I'll be hoping to put up some more datafaxes soon as well! I appreciate the positive feedback I've been getting in messages and on some of the forums. Thank you muchly!
Now, a treat - some pictures from a few 2nd ed. games yesterday. Will have a load more when my partner sends me the rest of the pics!
Now, a treat - some pictures from a few 2nd ed. games yesterday. Will have a load more when my partner sends me the rest of the pics!
The first game is set up!
A Shining Spear aims for the Hive Tyrant (failing miserably!)
Having failed the first game, the Yderis Eldar set up to defend a
trio of Farseers and Warlocks inside the main structure - busy trying to
break through the null cloud of the Tyranids swarm --- hoping to get a
message through to the Craftworld ships in the system.
Maugan Ra leads the defense in aid to the Craftworld.
Dire Avengers and Dark Reapers dig in for the waves of the Tyranid assault.
Fire Dragons prepare to repel the Tyranid horde.
Wayward Eldar Pirates return to aid in their moment of need. Guardian grav batteries prepare for combat.
Turn five of seven, the Tyranids break into the ritual, attacking the Warlocks and Farseer
As the Eldar defense crumbles, Dire Avengers run into the aid the Farseer as the Warlocks are consumed.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Cheat Sheet: Chaos Daemons
This was a tough one, but it's a good try! I've compiled as many of the special Daemon rules into a two-sided sheet. Some of the larger tables are still necessary from the Codex. This should cover the most basic aspects of buying, summoning and running Daemons in your Chaos Space Marine force.
Inspiration: Steam Flunky's War in the Desert
Steamflunky over on Lead Adventure has been sharing some nicely shopped images of 40K in the desert. Just so happens they feature mostly old Squats and some vehicle conversions. Lovely stuff!
Friday, March 24, 2017
Cheat Sheet: Squadrons, Batteries and Crewmen (and updates!)
Another cheat sheet. This time it covers the (somewhat weird) rules for support weapon batteries, vehicle squadrons and I compiled the vehicle crewmen stats/equipment for use.
Also, I've updated a few of the other cheat sheets (fixing minor typos and changing some slightly confusing wording). Please see the "Get Started" post for the new ones.
Also, I've updated a few of the other cheat sheets (fixing minor typos and changing some slightly confusing wording). Please see the "Get Started" post for the new ones.
Orks vs. Tyranids
My buddies played a game of 2nd ed. the other night, slowly beginning to form the Project Anvil adjustments (we use activation chits drawn from a mug - allowing much more of a back-n-forth, etc.). These kinds of rules will be detailed later when they're nicely ironed out.
The game was Orks vs. Tyranids (with a likely Tyranid victory when the game was called). It's fun seeing the group re-assembling armies which have sat dormant in shelving for 10-15-20 years. Most of the group played 40K up through 2nd/3rd ed. and bailed out when the game became more tournament based and the scale went through the roof.
Note some of the unpainted stuff - a lot of us are starting to fill out armies with whatever models we can get our hands on - including using new plastics where they fit!
The game was Orks vs. Tyranids (with a likely Tyranid victory when the game was called). It's fun seeing the group re-assembling armies which have sat dormant in shelving for 10-15-20 years. Most of the group played 40K up through 2nd/3rd ed. and bailed out when the game became more tournament based and the scale went through the roof.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Cheat Sheet: Psychic Phase
This one was tough and still didn't cram in all the minor bits, but the vast majority of stuff you'll need to reference is within!
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Get Started!
This post is a resource dump for players looking to get into 2nd Edition Warhammer 40K or those searching for a specific resource. These are available in various other posts as they are produced/released.
*Note: Project Anvil produces a number of resources but we're also gathering the best online resources available. If you created a resource located on this blog, please let us know so we can add our thanks!
Warhammer 40K 2nd Edition Components
Warhammer 40K came with a load of cards, decks, tokens, templates, etc. We've located the best PDF versions of these contents for you. While old copies are occasionally available on eBay they're often in disrepair or incomplete. We hope to provide as many of these items to you as possible.
*Note: Project Anvil produces a number of resources but we're also gathering the best online resources available. If you created a resource located on this blog, please let us know so we can add our thanks!
Warhammer 40K 2nd Edition Components
Warhammer 40K came with a load of cards, decks, tokens, templates, etc. We've located the best PDF versions of these contents for you. While old copies are occasionally available on eBay they're often in disrepair or incomplete. We hope to provide as many of these items to you as possible.
Warhammer 40K 2nd Edition Vehicle Datafaxes
Vehicles in Warhammer 40K 2nd Edition were provided with a datafax or a double-sided card which detailed their abilities, stats, and provided a special armour/damage table. We're in the process of digitizing these into PDFs - collecting vehicles from various White Dwarf magazines, later releases etc. In addition we're adjusting weapon listings to better match current plastic kits, etc. In a few places we're adding some vehicles which did not exist in 2nd edition (the plastic Eldar Wave Serpent, and Ork Deffkoptas for example). These will be updated as we release them.
2nd Edition Squat Datafaxes 2020 (Download)
2nd Edition Ork Datafaxes 2020 (Download)
2nd Edition Imperial Guard Datafaxes 2020 (Download)
2nd Edition Sisters of Battle Datafaxes 2020 (Download)
2nd Edition Space Marine Datafaxes 2020 (Download)
2nd Edition Ork Datafaxes 2020 (Download)
2nd Edition Imperial Guard Datafaxes 2020 (Download)
2nd Edition Sisters of Battle Datafaxes 2020 (Download)
2nd Edition Space Marine Datafaxes 2020 (Download)
Warhammer 40K 2nd Edition Necron Materials
Necrons showed up in small numbers in 2nd Edition by way of several small White Dwarf articles. We've combine them into a simple PDF including the Necron Destroyer datafax.
Warhammer 40K 2nd Edition Cheat Sheets
We're producing a number of simple cheat sheets for various portions of the 2nd edition rulebook. These cheat sheets serve to make finding and applying rules easier/faster (while the rules in the rulebook were quite good they often buried rules in large paragraphs which can take time to find during game play!)
Cheat Sheet: Vehicle Rules (Download)
Cheat Sheet: Psychic Phase (Download)
Cheat Sheet: Squadrons, Batteries, and Crewmen (Download)
Cheat Sheet: Chaos Daemons (Download)
Cheat Sheet: Psychic Phase (Download)
Cheat Sheet: Squadrons, Batteries, and Crewmen (Download)
Cheat Sheet: Chaos Daemons (Download)
Project Anvil Modifications
The modifications PDFs include rules modifications we've made to modernize or streamline elements of Warhammer 40K 2nd edition. Due to the nature of these changes, players will be required to adapate wargear, unit rules etc. to the new system (i.e. you'll have to make some decisions on how certain things play out!). These are obviously completely optional and not part of the original rule-set for Warhammer 40K 2nd edition.
The modifications PDFs include rules modifications we've made to modernize or streamline elements of Warhammer 40K 2nd edition. Due to the nature of these changes, players will be required to adapate wargear, unit rules etc. to the new system (i.e. you'll have to make some decisions on how certain things play out!). These are obviously completely optional and not part of the original rule-set for Warhammer 40K 2nd edition.
Cheat Sheet: Tyranids and Eldar
While these aren't very official PA material, my friend and I have done up simple quick reference sheets for the Eldar and Tyranids after our last few games. They were inspired by the rather handy cheat sheet provided in the 2nd Edition Chaos Codex.
Also, some pictures of the games (I should have taken more!). The Eldar were soundly shot to pieces and eaten three games in a row.
Also, some pictures of the games (I should have taken more!). The Eldar were soundly shot to pieces and eaten three games in a row.
Cheat Sheet: Leadership and Psychology
Another cheat sheet covering the Leadership and Psychology rules from 2nd Edition Warhammer 40K.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Cheat Sheet: Movement Rules
Another quick and easy Cheat Sheet, this one pertaining to Movement rules. It includes Jump Pack and Teleportation rules, as well as rules for hiding and hidden units.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Cheat Sheet: Vehicle Rules
This cheat sheet compiles a number of vehicles rules into a simple front-and-back printable PDF. It includes numerous tables, charts and a number of small simple rules which are frequently overlooked when dealing with vehicles.
Monday, January 30, 2017
White Dwarf: 218 (March, 1998)
Era: 2nd Edition
Length: 128 pages
Notable 40K Content:
Length: 128 pages
Notable 40K Content:
- Digganob (expansion article for Gorka Morka), page 14
- Necron Onslaught (article w/ codex entries for Necron Lord, and Destroyer - including Destroyer Datafax), page 24
- Massacre at Sanctuary 101 (SoB vs. Necron scenario and battle report), page 28
- Massacre at Big Toof River (second article on the showcase table from Games Day '97), page 66
White Dwarf: 217 (February, 1998)
Era: 2nd Edition
Length: 101 pages
Notable 40K Content:
Length: 101 pages
Notable 40K Content:
- Necron Raiders (Necron introductory article w/ codex entries for Necron Warriors and Scarabs), page 27
- A Desperate Mission (Necron introductory scenario), page 35
- Mad Meks (Gorka Morka conversion article), page 55
- Imperial Guard Praetorian XXIV (special limited edition army highlight article), page 60
White Dwarf: 216 (January, 1998)
Era: 2nd Edition
Length: 105 pages
Notable 40K Content:
Length: 105 pages
Notable 40K Content:
- Get Scrappin'! (Gorka Morka article with three new scenarios), page 46
- Punchout Eldar warpgate/shrine (card insert)
- Lightning Attack! (Eldar Falcon introductory article + scenario), page 66
- The Wings of Darkness (abbreviated battle report, Eldar vs. Chaos), page 73
- A Great Undertaking (Codex Assassins introductory article), page 84